Albertson: Greatest Phillies not in the Hall of Fame: Sherry Magee

From SABR member Matt Albertson at Philliedelphia on May 19, 2016:

It’s been some time since a Phillies player was inducted into the Hall of Fame. During the mid-1990s, four former Phillies – Steve Carlton (1994), Mike Schmidt (1995), Richie Ashburn (1995), and Jim Bunning (1996) – were enshrined into baseball’s hallowed Hall of Fame over three consecutive years. None have been inducted since. That means it has been 20 long years since a Phillies player was inducted.  Such a drought makes you wonder when the next former Phillies star will be inducted into the Hall of Fame. 

I provide the case for a few players, examine why they are not already in the Hall of Fame, and assess their chances at making the ballot and ultimately earning induction into the Hall of Fame. 

My methodology for including players in this series is simple: I will only consider retired players who played at least one full season for the Phillies during their careers. Naturally, each player’s measurables must be of the caliber of players already in the Hall of Fame. Finally, I’ll place the player’s chances of induction on a scale of 1-10 (10 being a lock for enshrinement). This series will flow chronologically from early players to those who are more recent. Today’s candidate is former Phillies captain Sherwood “Sherry” Magee.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: May 19, 2016. Last Updated: May 19, 2016.
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