Anderson: How one talented fan is bringing baseball cards back by Gummy Arts

From R.J. Anderson at CBS Sports on January 9, 2018:

Creation beginneths with Joaquin Andujar and white space. Or it does for Mike Noren, anyway.

Noren is a 43-year-old Chicago-based writer, editor, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor. He’s also a unique and dedicated practitioner of celebrating old baseball cards, which he does by hand-drawing them and sharing them on his website Gummy Arts. The process starts the same way each time with the aforementioned materials: Noren traces around his copy of Andujar’s 1984 Topps card, establishing the proper dimensions for his latest work.

Next the magic happens. Though Jonathan Strange and Gilbert Norrell are not involved, Noren’s creations cast a spell on anyone who views them — leaving everyone feeling younger as a result, including the artist. “I used to draw a lot when I was a kid, but then for a long time I didn’t draw at all,” Noren told CBS Sports about his drawing expertise. “A few years ago, my girlfriend bought me a doodle-a-day desk calendar, so I got in the habit of doing a quick drawing every night before bed. Over time, the drawings got more involved, I’d post some on Facebook, and friends seemed to like them, so I decided to take on a bigger drawing project.”

Read the full article here:

Originally published: January 10, 2018. Last Updated: January 10, 2018.
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