Armour: New horizons: Milwaukee brings home a World Series title in 1957

From SABR member Mark Armour at The National Pastime Museum on October 16, 2017:

As the 1957 baseball season dawned, baseball fans in New York City could be forgiven if they had taken to thinking of the World Series as their very own event. In the recent decade (1947–56), there had been 58 World Series games played, and 48 of them had taken place in New York, including 36 of the past 38. Think about that.

Growing up in the 1970s, I was fed stories and books about this Golden Age, generally from adults or writers who had grown up in New York in this period and considered this the game’s zenith, the best time to grow up, to love the game, a team, a city, a neighborhood. And maybe it was. For them. If you grew up in Pittsburgh or Boston, maybe you’d have a different take.

If 1957 marked the end of the Golden Age for New York baseball, the final year of their three-team hegemony, one could argue that it marked the beginning for the rest of the country.

After baseball spent five decades with 16 teams in the same 11 cities, the Boston Braves broke the logjam with their move to Milwaukee in 1953. For their first six years in Wisconsin, the Braves had the highest attendance in the Major Leagues, until they were finally topped by another transplant—the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: October 16, 2017. Last Updated: October 16, 2017.
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