Armour: The 1969 Winter Meetings in south Florida

From SABR member Mark Armour at The National Pastime Museum on December 15, 2017:

As the 1969 baseball Winter Meetings approached, the central issues on the minds of most owners were the recommendations of a Restructuring Committee that had been created a year ago. At the previous year’s meeting in San Francisco the owners had fired William Eckert as commissioner, and had formed a group to examine ways to restructure the management of the game in an attempt to reduce the league squabbles that had been plaguing baseball over the past decade.

Would baseball reorganize to reduce the power of individual leagues? In 1969, the two professional football leagues completed their merger and placed themselves firmly under the direction of a single powerful commissioner—Peter Rozelle. It escaped no one’s notice that professional football was thriving, particularly when compared with the so-called National Pastime.

The 1969 Winter Meetings were held from Sunday, November 30, through Saturday, December 6, in south Florida, split between Fort Lauderdale and Bal Harbour.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: December 15, 2017. Last Updated: December 15, 2017.
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