Armour: The 1970 Winter Meetings in Los Angeles

From SABR member Mark Armour at The National Pastime Museum on December 22, 2017:

When compared with the previous few off-seasons, baseball’s 1970 Winter Meetings were relatively calm. Commissioner Bowie Kuhn seemed secure in his job, and the players and owners had agreed to a new Collective Bargaining Agreement in May. The Curt Flood case was winding its way through the courts, meaning that the process was out of baseball’s hands. Baseball’s attempts to consolidate its two leagues and place more authority in the hands of the commissioner had made no progress, and would make no more this time.

Instead, baseball management discussed ways to tinker with the game, made a few trades, and closed the week with a grand awards banquet, an event that was supposed to be the first of an annual affair but has not been repeated.

The 1970 meetings were held from Sunday, November 29, through Friday, December 4, at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: December 28, 2017. Last Updated: December 28, 2017.
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