Babe Dahlgren Makes Good on Father’s Pledge

From Matt Dahlgren at on March 22:

I recently read a story about my grandpa, Babe Dahlgren and his father Peter that I’d never heard before. After all the years spent talking with my grandpa, all the countless months researching his life and career, somehow this one slipped past me like the easiest of ground balls. The story appeared in the Minneapolis Morning Tribune on October 13, 1939. The headline read:

Babe Dahlgren to Make Good Father’s Pledge 31 Years Ago in Minneapolis

As I read the aged words from the old newspaper, I felt a chill run down my spine while simultaneously looking up and thinking, my God.

I’ve always known that my grandpa wanted to become a first baseman because of his childhood idol, Lou Gehrig. This of course made that indelible day in Detroit even more surreal when he was the one called on to replace Gehrig on May 2, 1939. But now I’ve learned that perhaps his first base roots may have come from a place far beyond the San Francisco playgrounds of his youth.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: March 22, 2011. Last Updated: March 22, 2011.
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