Bain: Retro computer baseball game review: Statis Pro Baseball

From SABR member Derek Bain at Tuatara Software on August 27, 2019:

This is the second entry in a series focusing on computer baseball simulations to supplement the chapter “Play Retro Baseball Video Games In Your Browser” from my Hardball Retroactive book along with the corresponding post at Baseball Analytics. The series focuses on baseball simulations – games in which the primary emphasis is on managerial strategy and the ability to replay entire seasons with a degree of realism. Baseball video games that are strictly arcade representations of baseball (based solely on reflex and hand-eye coordination) are excluded.

Computer Statis Pro Baseball evolved from a board game created by Jim Barnes in 1970. Statis Pro replaced the use of dice with a deck of Fast Action Cards which dictated the random events in the game (Wikipedia, Statis Pro Baseball). The computer version was published through Microcomputer Games, a division of the Avalon Hill Game Company which was responsible for the distribution of the board game.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: August 28, 2019. Last Updated: August 28, 2019.
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