Bain: The top minor-league batters of the expansion era

From SABR member Derek Bain at Tuatara Software on March 23, 2018:

In the process of conducting research for the “Minors vs. Majors” chapter for my upcoming book “Hardball Retroactive”, I compiled a database encompassing every player-season for the past 55 years (1963-2017) corresponding with the reorganization and reclassification of the minor leagues prior to the start of the 1963 season.

Computing the statistics for each individual and generating a subset of players having at least 500 at-bats in their minor league careers, I added columns for the standard percentage categories (BA, OBP, SLG, OPS) along with the basic formula for Runs Created (see Terminology section below). Applying Runs Created per 140 Games (the current full-season minor league schedule length), I created a chart comprised of the top minor league batters in the expansion era accompanied by the Minor League career leaders in batting average, on-base percentage, slugging percentage and home runs per at-bat. Over 200 players own a career RC/140 above 100 and are the primary focus of my assessment.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: March 23, 2018. Last Updated: March 23, 2018.
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