Bates/Parker: “This Week in Baseball History” podcast: The mysterious death of Ed Delahanty

From SABR members Mike Bates and Bill Parker at This Week in Baseball History podcast on June 28, 2017:

This week, 114 years ago, Hall of Famer Ed Delahanty played his last game and went missing from the Washington Senators while on a road trip. Soon after, he would turn up dead in the Niagara River. What happened to Big Ed that led him to ruin? Where did he go and how did he die? Was it an accident? Suicide? Or did baseball’s best hitter fall victim to murder most foul? Mike and Bill look into what led up to Delahanty’s disappearance and try to figure out what exactly happened on that July night on a bridge over the Niagara River.

Listen to the full podcast here:

Originally published: June 28, 2017. Last Updated: June 28, 2017.
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