Bloom: Hoffman calm, collected upon getting ‘The Call’

From SABR member Barry Bloom at on January 24, 2018:

It was a great day for a family party at Trevor Hoffman’s beach house on the shore of the mighty Pacific Ocean. Temperature in late January: 72 degrees. The common refrain: That’s why we live here.

At 2:22 p.m. PT, Hoffman took the call he and the crowd were waiting for. It was Jack O’Connell from the Baseball Writers’ Association of America and Jane Forbes Clark from the National Baseball Hall of Fame on the other end.

He answered the call as if he was facing Todd Helton with the bases loaded and two outs in the ninth inning — with intensity and stony coldness. There were no tears on this day. Just raw emotions.

“I was just trying to keep it together,” Hoffman later said. “Enjoy the moment.”

Read the full article here:

Originally published: January 26, 2018. Last Updated: January 26, 2018.
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