Bloom: Mel Stottlemyre remembered as a strong man, not just pitcher or coach

From SABR member Barry Bloom at on January 15, 2019:

The last time I saw Mel Stottlemyre was nearly four years ago at Yankee Stadium. It was the day the New York Yankees surprised him by unveiling individual plaques in Monument Park honoring him and Willie Randolph.

The pair both wore No. 30 and played for the ballclub in different eras.

Because of the insidious cancerous disease that ultimately killed him on Monday, it was touch and go that Mel would even be able to fly to New York from his home in Spokane, Washington, to make the ceremony.

He was a dominant right-handed pitcher for the Yankees, coming up in 1964 until shoulder problems ended his career a decade later. As a pitching coach with the Yankees and crosstown New York Mets, Stottlemyre toiled under Hall of Fame manager Joe Torre and was on teams that won four World Series and played in six of them from 1996-2003.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: January 16, 2019. Last Updated: January 16, 2019.
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