Bourgo: Recap of 2015 Society of Korean Baseball Studies spring conference

From SABR member Patrick Bourgo at the Korea Times on May 8, 2015:

The 2015 spring conference for the Society of Korean Baseball Studies (SKB) was held on May 2 at Sungkyunkwan University and talk touched on topics ranging from the neuroscience of hitting and free agents to a panel discussion on batting featuring three ex-KBO greats.

The five-hour conference was divided into two sessions, and attendees included people from the baseball industry, reporters, professors, students and baseball fans.

The SKB was started by KAIST Professor Jeong Jae-seung in 2013. The group came about as a result of his baseball research that produced the book, “The Baek In-cheon Project.” According to Jeong, one of the main goals of the society is to contribute to the scientific understanding of baseball through the sharing of information and the facilitation of further research on the subject. This was SKB’s fifth conference, and they plan to hold the next one in the fall.

The first session was composed of four individual presentations. In addition to the talk on the neuroscience of hitting by Dr. Ryu Je-gwang from Seoul National University, there was a presentation exploring the relationship between batting and annual salary on the free agent market.

Ex-Doosan Bears pitcher Cha Myeong-ju spoke about injuries caused by the throwing motion for pitchers and position players; and the first session wrapped up with Park Yun-sung of the Bizball Project talking about the effects of pitch sequencing, in which he cited recent research on the topic from the Society of American Baseball Research (SABR).

Read the full article here:

Originally published: May 11, 2015. Last Updated: May 11, 2015.
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