Brisbee: Inside The Shed: Kirk Rueter’s tribute to Giants history has become an indelible part of the lore

From SABR member Grant Brisbee at The Athletic on September 5, 2019:

About 50 miles from St. Louis, there’s a shed. Except it’s not a shed, it’s a house that’s visible from the main road that runs through town, and it’s bigger than the house you grew up in. Considering that there are apartments where the Polo Grounds used to be, an Office Depot where Seals Stadium used to be, and a baseball museum in upstate New York that’s fussy about who it honors, this shed is almost certainly the beating heart of Giants baseball away from 24 Willie Mays Plaza.

Also, it’s capitalized. The Shed.

And if you think I’m getting too breathless about someone’s outbuilding, buddy, you must be new here.

Kirk Rueter asked some contractor buddies for a shed to display his eternally expanding collection of baseball memorabilia, and three months later, he got The Shed, a building that’s been mythologized and talked about for almost two decades. It’s hosted Giants teams and Hall of Famers, current major-leaguers and team owners. If it’s not being mentioned on the telecast or radio broadcast when the Giants are in St. Louis, that’s because it’s about to be mentioned. When a fan writes, “I would gladly accept a tour of The Shed over the (Hall of Fame) any day of the week,” believe him.

Read the full article here (subscription required):

Originally published: September 5, 2019. Last Updated: September 5, 2019.
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