Burgos: El Profe: Celebrating ‘Millito’ Navarro at Yankee Stadium

From SABR member Adrian Burgos Jr. at La Vida Baseball on September 22, 2017:

My proudest day as a baseball historian. That’s what September 18, 2008, was for me. What started with my cell phone ringing ended with New York Yankees singing “Happy Birthday” to Emilio “Millito” Navarro at Yankee Stadium.

A week shy of celebrating his 103rd birthday, no less.

There was Millito, the first Puerto Rican to play in the Negro Leagues back in 1928, wearing a Yankees jersey on the field at Yankee Stadium, preparing to throw a ceremonial first pitch before 53,000 fans.

The path to the Bronx and the Yankee Stadium ceremony all started with Millito’s 70-year-old son Eric Navarro calling me.

“You’re friends with Dave Winfield, right?” he asked. “Papi wants to go to Yankee Stadium. He wants to walk where Babe Ruth played before they tear the stadium down.”

Read the full article here: https://www.lavidabaseball.com/el-profe-millito-navarro-yankees/

Originally published: September 22, 2017. Last Updated: September 22, 2017.
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