Call for papers: 2025 SABR Frederick Ivor-Campbell 19th Century Base Ball Conference

Jon Popovich speaks during the 2024 Frederick Ivor-Campbell 19th Century Conference in Cooperstown, New York

All SABR members are invited and encouraged to submit a Research Presentation Proposal Abstract on any topic of 19th-century baseball for the 2025 Frederick Ivor-Campbell 19th Century Base Ball Conference at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. The 16th annual Ivor-Campbell Conference is scheduled for April 25-26, 2025.

The deadline for proposal Abstracts is October 31, 2024. Your abstract must be between 200-400 words for a 20- to 25-minute presentation. Please include name, title, and contact information and send your proposal as a Microsoft Word or PDF attachment to Peter Mancuso at

Anyone submitting an abstract will be informed individually by November 30 if their proposed presentation received enough of a collective ranking to be one of the presentations in 2025, and they will have until December 10 to confirm that they will register for the two-day Ivor-Campbell Conference and present their research topic.

For any questions, please contact Peter Mancuso at

Originally published: July 1, 2024. Last Updated: June 27, 2024.