Call for papers: Fall 2015 Baseball Research Journal

The Spring 2015 issue of the Baseball Research Journal is in typesetting now, and I thought this might be a good moment to remind folks that the BRJ is open to research by all SABR members.

The BRJ is interdisciplinary, meaning that we define “baseball research” very broadly. So everything from physics to physiology might find its way into our pages. Economics, history, sociology, game theory, etymology, architecture, psychology, records, biomechanics, meteorology: if it’s “research” we are open to being queried about it.

If you’re interested in writing for the Fall 2015 edition of the BRJ, a query is the simplest way to start: send me an email at describing your idea for an article, a few sentences about your topic, a rough idea of where you expect the investigation or analysis to go, and if possible give a guess as to the length. (BRJ articles are typically 2,000 to 6,000 words long, but this is not a hard limit by any means.) Please also include in your query how you became interested in the topic and any qualifications you have to research it, and what sources you might draw on to complete the research.

If you have a completed paper or near-completed manuscript, please write me for the writers guidelines which will give you more information on how to format the submission and where to email it (hint:

The peer review process can take months to complete, so the sooner we receive a paper, the sooner we can start the process. There is no single firm “deadline” but I would expect most papers received before April 1 have a good chance to make it into the fall issue, whereas those arriving in May might be cutting it close, and by June the issue will likely be full or only have a few slots left.

Cecilia M. Tan
SABR Publications Director

Originally published: February 19, 2015. Last Updated: February 19, 2015.
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