Calloway: Meet Lansing’s voice of summer, Jesse Goldberg-Strassler

From Brian Calloway at the Lansing State Journal on July 3, 2019, on SABR member Jesse Goldberg-Strassler:

When Jesse Goldberg-Strassler returned to the offices at Cooley Law School Stadium last week after a rare summer weekend away from the grind of the minor league baseball season, he faced an inevitable question.

Upon seeing Lansing Lugnuts general manager Tyler Parsons in the office, Goldberg-Strassler was asked what it was like not having his voice associated with the recent series against the Dayton Dragons.

And Goldberg-Strassler, the veteran voice of the Lugnuts, acknowledged it was a little weird.

That feeling was shared by many of his peers.

“I think we all kind of thought it was weird because we’re so used to hearing Jesse and the Lugnuts,” Parsons said. “To have someone else calling the game and not have his voice — that connection is just so symbiotic for us.”

Read the full article here:

Originally published: July 9, 2019. Last Updated: July 9, 2019.
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