Cieradkowski: Adolfo Arguijo, the general

From SABR member Gary Cieradkowski at Studio Gary C on April 23, 2019:

The Yankees training camp in the spring of 1924 was a busy place. That fall the team had won its first World Championship when they beat their bitter rivals, the New York Giants. Yet, despite having copped three straight AL pennants and a World Series, the Yankees were in need of a major rebuilding. Most of their starting lineup were aging veterans who had already reached their big league sell-by dates. To continue as an American League powerhouse, the Yanks would need new blood. So, the Yankees spring training camp in New Orleans was a hive of activity as young hopefuls from across the country descended on Heinemann Park to try to earn their pinstripes.

Looking over the new flesh, manager Miller Huggins could see that the outlook was pretty good. Out in centerfield he had a sleek line drive hitter outta Kentucky named Earle Combs, and over at first base there was that husky kid from the Ivy League, “Columbia Lou” Gehrig. As for pitching, four of his five starters were thirty-somethings and, as every baseball man worth his ball cap knew, Huggins was cognizant that to continue winning pennants he would need new arms. Thus, the majority of newcomers in the Yankees camp were young hurlers looking to make good.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: April 25, 2019. Last Updated: April 25, 2019.
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