D’Addona: Detroit legend Wahoo Sam Crawford deserves to be remembered

From SABR member Dan D’Addona at Detroit Athletic Co. on July 9, 2017:

Everyone sat there clueless.

It was the individual finals of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) national trivia contest and a question went unanswered that made Detroit Tigers fans cringe in the audience.

“Who holds the record for most triples by a left-handed hitter?”

Well every baseball fan in a national trivia contest knows that Tigers legend “Wahoo” Sam Crawford has the most triples ever. Most Detroit fans and trivia buffs also know that Crawford is indeed a left-handed hitter.

So it was sort of a trick question, but one of the two finalists (this writer finished third for the record) guessed Ty Cobb and the other was silent.

Both looked completely flabbergasted after Crawford was read as the answer, feeling duped.

Yes, it’s true. Sam Crawford is a lefty and hit 309 career triples. Easily the record — a record that has stood for a century.

Read the full article here: https://www.detroitathletic.com/blog/2017/07/09/detroit-legend-wahoo-sam-crawford-deserves-remembered/

Originally published: July 12, 2017. Last Updated: July 12, 2017.
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