Dewan: Shifts still on the rise in 2014

From SABR member John Dewan at ACTA Sports on April 18, 2014:

Last year at this time, we showed how the early defensive shift leaders were well ahead of the pace they set the year before (Shifting Into High Gear, April 18, 2013). The same thing is happening again this year.

Baseball Info Solutions began tracking shifts comprehensively in 2010, and the last two seasons, shifts on balls in play have nearly doubled each season from 2,357 in 2011 to 4,577 in 2012, then nearly doubling again to 8,134 in 2013. Two and a half weeks into this season, teams have already shifted on 1,188 balls in play, putting them on pace for an incredible 12,443 shifts on balls in play.

Here are the teams that have deployed the most defensive shifts thus far this year …

Read the full article here:

Originally published: April 18, 2014. Last Updated: April 18, 2014.