Diamond: Padres close in on a record of no-hitter futility

From Jared Diamond at the Wall Street Journal on May 9, 2019, with mention of SABR member Dirk Lammers:

On July 21, 1970, in the 259th game the San Diego Padres ever played, the club made a move that still haunts their fans 49 years later.

Right-hander Clay Kirby threw eight innings against the New York Mets without surrendering a hit. Yet the Mets held a 1-0 lead, after a pair of walks, a couple stolen bases and an Art Shamsky groundout plated Tommie Agee for an early run.

Read the full article here (subscription required): https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-last-team-in-baseball-without-a-no-hitter-closes-in-on-a-record-11557489600

Originally published: May 10, 2019. Last Updated: May 10, 2019.
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