Dick Schattinger and the Summer of ’42 (Page 5)

Spurred on by this writer’s interest in his baseball career, Dick decided to put his own SABR skills to use to track down his old Braves buddy, Eddie Buliavac.  His friend’s name was not as uncommon as he’d expected as several last-namesakes appeared listed in

Spurred on by this writer’s interest in his baseball career, Dick decided to put his own SABR skills to use to track down his old Braves buddy, Eddie Buliavac.  His friend’s name was not as uncommon as he’d expected as several last-namesakes appeared listed in California telephone directories.  As luck would have it, the very first person that Dick contacted was one of Eddie’s sons.  Sadly, he learned that Eddie had died at age 48 in a 1968 automobile accident.  Unlike himself, his slugging pal from long ago never had pursued a pro ball career.

Thanks to The Fenway Project, Dick Schattinger is no longer “lost” to the Boston Braves family.  Additionally, he serves as a reminder to SABRites that other baseball memories may await harvesting from within our very own membership ranks.

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Originally published: November 9, 2004. Last Updated: November 9, 2004.
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