Distelheim: Goodbye to an old friend: Ransom Jackson

From Joe Distelheim at The Hardball Times on April 16, 2019:

The New York Times’ obituary last month appropriately took the local angle:

“Randy Jackson, a Fence-Clearing Footnote to Baseball History, Dies at 93.” The footnote was that Jackson hit the last home run in Brooklyn Dodgers history, on September 28, 1957. The next season, the Dodgers were in Los Angeles. Jackson, in the waning days of his major league career, was with them there briefly.

My own memories of Ransom “Randy” Jackson, indelibly planted, are of earlier years.

Joe Hoppel, my co-author of a long-ago coffee-table-style book about the Cubs, called my attention to the obit. Through our collaboration, he knew of my boyhood attachment to then-Cub Jackson, and several years ago, when he ran across an address for him, he passed it onto me.

Read the full article here: https://tht.fangraphs.com/goodbye-old-friend/

Originally published: April 17, 2019. Last Updated: April 17, 2019.
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