Duren: The legacy of Majestic Park in Hot Springs

From SABR member Don Duren at the Hot Springs Sentinel-Record on July 7, 2019:

I thank the people of Hot Springs, including the Hot Springs public schools, Hot Springs Boys & Girls Club, Optimist Club, Showman’s Club, American Legion, and especially the former director of the Hot Springs Boys Club, the late Ira Lollis, for providing me and my friends the opportunity to play baseball, softball and football on good sports fields.

When I was attending Ramble Elementary School, my early football and softball experiences took place on what is now called the Boys & Girls Club fields. During the summer between my seventh and eighth grades, I had more great experiences playing for a baseball team sponsored by Duffy Searcy Grocery, run by the Hot Springs Boys Club located at the Boys Club field. Later, our sponsor, Duffy Searcy, became sheriff of Garland County. The sheriff loved baseball.

At that time, I had no idea the impact those early years would make on my life. A traveling team representing the Hot Springs Boys Club participated in the State Boys Club Baseball Tournament every year when we were youngsters. One year we won the state championship and the next year we were runners-up.

Read the full article here: https://www.hotsr.com/news/2019/jul/07/the-legacy-of-majestic-park-20190707/

Originally published: July 9, 2019. Last Updated: July 9, 2019.
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