Edelman: ‘Screwball’ documentary on Alex Rodriguez is enlightening

From SABR member Rob Edelman at WAMC Radio on November 12, 2018:

These days, Alex Rodriguez — more popularly known as A-Rod — is much in the media, but as a media personality. There he is joking with his fellow sportscasters on ESPN baseball broadcasts. There he is socializing with his lady fair, Jennifer Lopez. So if you only know A-Rod in the present, you might view him as a likable and even enviable celebrity at the cusp of his career. And this is why a new documentary, titled SCREWBALL, is ever so enlightening.

Once upon a time of course, A-Rod was neck-deep in steroid abuse, so much so that he even was suspended by Major League Baseball. A-Rod ended up taking space on the bench for the entire 2014 baseball season. But that was four years ago and, these days, four years is the equivalent of four-hundred years. What matters is how he is being marketed today. So SCREWBALL works as a sobering reminder of A-Rod’s history, and his less-than-exemplary past.

Read the full article here: https://www.wamc.org/post/rob-edelman-press-releases-and-facts

Originally published: November 13, 2018. Last Updated: November 13, 2018.
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