Edwards: Memories of a gentleman, SABR founding member Keith Sutton

From Kevin Edwards at the Wayne (Pennsylvania) Independent on April 6, 2016, with mention of the late SABR founding member Keith Sutton:

While I’m psyched up for Matt Harvey against Edison Volquez in a re-match of last year’s World Series foes, I’m also reminded of a dearly departed friend … a man I knew from childhood who sat at this very desk for 50 years.


Keith Sutton’s talent for sports writing transcended Wayne County.

In fact, by the time of his death in 1993, he had become a nationally-respected expert on all things related to the MLB.

He was one of the legendary “Original 16” founders of SABR (Society for American Baseball Research), a group whose influence looms large over the sport these days.

Keith spent countless hours at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown.

He haunted the research room and made an annual pilgrimage on Induction Day. By the mid 1980s, he’d attended a total of 35 and once had a streak of 26 straight.

Keith developed several “areas of specialization” over the years. Among them were one-hitters, hitting streaks, steals of home and inside-the-park homers.

Read the full article here: http://www.wayneindependent.com/article/20160406/NEWS/160409905

Originally published: April 6, 2016. Last Updated: April 6, 2016.
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