ESPN’s Mark Simon: Digging deep into America’s pastime

From Nancy Colasurdo at on July 14, 2015, on SABR member Mark Simon:

He has been called a resource encyclopedia, a baseball savant, and, officially, a digital publishing specialist for the stats and information group at ESPN.

For Mark Simon, the latter is like something he’s been preparing for his whole life, both wittingly and unwittingly. It’s what happens when you pay attention to something you love and excel at, and your parents are smart enough to pay attention, too, and you keep paying attention to it right through college and beyond. Mastery begins to happen. Persistence gets you places.

“How can you argue with being at a place like this?” Simon says in our recent interview.

It’s his weekly prep day at ESPN and I’ve just asked him how he feels about how he fits into the world right now. He says he always knew he’d do something that involved writing and that the kids who wrote in his sixth grade yearbook figured he’d wind up at ESPN or Sports Illustrated.

“I had a way of distinguishing myself in school,” Simon says. “I could do mathematics principles better than anyone else.”

Read the full article here:

Originally published: July 15, 2015. Last Updated: July 15, 2015.
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