Ferkovich: Gleason throws up on Sinatra; Thomson also homers

From SABR member Scott Ferkovich at The National Pastime Museum on March 19, 2015:

It is a question that just about every baseball fan has thought about now and then: “If I could go back in time, which game would I most like to be a part of as a spectator?”

For most of us, there may not be one definitive answer. There are simply too many great games to choose from. But it remains an intriguing question.


But there is one game that tops them all, one game that has entered into the realm of myth. Heck, hundreds of thousands of people have claimed to have been there, so why shouldn’t I be one of them?

I’m talking about October 3, 1951. The third and final playoff game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the New York Giants.

The game in which Bobby Thomson hit his famous “Shot Heard ’Round the World.”

The game of the delirious radio call by Russ Hodges. (“The Giants Win the Pennant! The Giants Win the Pennant! The Giants Win the Pennant! The Giants Win the Pennant!”)

Read the full article here: http://www.thenationalpastimemuseum.com/article/gleason-throws-sinatra-thomson-also-homers

Originally published: March 19, 2015. Last Updated: March 19, 2015.
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