Firke: What to expect from public MLB analytics and commentary in 2016

From Frank Firke at The Hardball Times on March 29, 2016:

At its best, baseball fandom transcends simply enjoying the sport: it teaches us new things about ourselves and becomes the foundation of a community. For me (perhaps more than others), analytical baseball writing is the lifeblood of that community, and reminds me why I stay a fan.

I’m using the word “analytical” in a broad sense here, covering everything from thoughtful game recaps, to dives into why a particular player or team isn’t meeting expectations, to the eloquence of someone like Roger Angell. I’m also using the word “writing” in a broad sense — a rigorous statistical analysis, an effective piece of software, or a cogent data visualization count just as much in this formulation as some sparkling prose. Most of us grew up getting this writing (and with it, a piece of our connection to the game) from newspapers and baseball books, but these days, for better or for worse, it’s largely online.

In that spirit, and at the risk of getting meta, here are some things to expect from the baseball Internet in 2016.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: March 29, 2016. Last Updated: March 29, 2016.
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