Foster: He’s been everywhere: Vin Scully is baseball’s Forrest Gump

From Jason Foster at The Sporting News on September 16, 2015:

For everything he’s seen, for everywhere he’s been and for everyone he’s met, Vin Scully is, without question, baseball’s version of Forrest Gump.

A self-described ordinary man who’s seen and done extraordinary things and often finds himself at an intersection with history. That’s Vincent Edward Scully.

Think of a big moment in baseball history since 1950 and chances are good that he was there. Now think of another. And another. The checklist is mind-boggling.

Scully, 87, announced Friday he plans to return in 2016 for his 67th and likely final season with the Dodgers, but never mind what the future may hold. His career has already had such longevity, such omnipresence, that the things he’s witnessed might comprise a time-traveler’s baseball bucket list.

He’s seen the beginning and end of Hall of Fame careers from Aaron and Mays to Biggio and Smoltz. He’s worked through 12 presidents and the addition of two U.S. states. When he first broke in, Connie Mack was still active as a manager. Let that sink in: Connie. Mack.


Read the full article here:

Originally published: September 16, 2015. Last Updated: September 16, 2015.
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