Gallagher: Upcoming SABR book on Expos accents only wins

From SABR member Danny Gallagher at Baseball Hot Corner on September 30, 2015, with mention of SABR member Norm King:

The Expos’ book you are going to read about is a little different than most.

You won’t read about Rick Monday’s home run off of Steve Rogers on Oct. 19, 1981. You won’t read about Mike Schmidt’s home run off of Stan Bahnsen on Oct. 4, 1980. You won’t read about Willie Stargell’s homer off of Scott Sanderson on Sept. 25, 1979.

As you may recall, those homers by Monday, Schmidt and Stargell resulted in Expos’ losses. The book being edited, coordinated and supervised by Ottawa resident Norm King deals only with memorable Expos’ wins. It’s all about accenting the positive. A tentative title being put forth by King is Au jeu/Play Ball:  The 50 Greatest Games in the History of the Montreal Expos.

“I want to get a little French in the title because it’s appropriate,’’ King said.

As a member of the Society for American Baseball Research for a few years, King has contributed a number of bios of Expos’ players for the SABR website and his most ambitious project will be realized next April with the release of the Expos’ book which will include 17 game stories done by King. The rest of the stories or “summaries’’ as King calls them are furnished by close to 20 writers, including yours truly, who sheds light on Pedro Martinez’s near-perfect game June 3, 1995.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: September 30, 2015. Last Updated: September 30, 2015.
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