Gardner: Baseball-Reference Bullpen/SABRpedia now has more than 80,000 pages

From Jonah Gardner at on April 13, 2016:

On behalf of the entire Baseball-Reference team, we want to congratulate the users who contribute to The B-R Bullpen/SABR Encyclopedia! Thanks to your hard work, the encyclopedia now has over 80,000 pages.

If you’ve never made it over to that part of the site, the Bullpen is a wiki where users collaborate to contribute articles with information on baseball players, teams, events, games, and other nuggets from the vast history of the game. The Bullpen was started in 2005, and in 2014 it merged with the SABRpedia. You can think of it as a baseball-centric Wikipedia

Now’s a great time to take a look at all the amazing content. From write-ups of notable events in baseball history from every day of the year, to amazing details about foreign greats, to the unheralded stories of modern independent leagues, there’s a deep and vast range of information from all corners of the world of baseball. If you want to join the fun, you can also become a contributor. Learn more about how to contribute here.

So check it out! Just don’t blame me if you suddenly find you’ve lost 2-3 hours exploring some forgotten corner of baseball history.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: April 13, 2016. Last Updated: April 13, 2016.
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