Gregorian: Negro Leagues Museum sees outpouring of love after vandalism

From Vahe Gregorian at the Kansas City Star on August 8, 2018, with mention of SABR member Bob Kendrick:

The Negro Leagues Baseball Museum has been swarmed this week with visiting Cubs fans. And after last weekend’s Heart of America Hot Dog Festival, it can expect another bustling weekend with the Cardinals coming to town.

In recent days, Hy-Vee presented the NLBM with a $20,000 check for sales of Amos Otis bobbleheads and the Royals donated $26,000 from proceeds of game-worn uniforms from the Negro Leagues salute in May.

All of which has buoyed NLBM President Bob Kendrick as the precious entity over which he presides tries to move through what he calls the “darkest day” in recent memory for the museum:

On June 22, vandals cut a water pipe in the Buck O’Neil Research and Education Center in the former Paseo YMCA Building. That resulted in what Kendrick says is more than $500,000 in demolition, cleanup and restoration expenses that insurance at least initially has declined to cover.

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Originally published: August 8, 2018. Last Updated: August 8, 2018.
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