Herron: Isotopes helped on path to bigs by former PCL hurler

From SABR member Gary Herron at the Albuquerque Journal on July 2, 2014:

Where can a guy learn how to throw a cut fastball these days?

Albuquerque Isotopes pitching coach Glenn Dishman did just that at a recent Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) meeting at Isotopes Park.

It’s not a pitch he used during his career, but as a pitching coach, it’s a grip he’s familiar with.

It’s safe to say, the game has a grip on him, too.

Dishman, 43, was born in Baltimore and raised there and then New York before his family headed west to California.

He was playing — sparingly — for the University of California-Berkeley baseball team when the first base coach suggested he look elsewhere to get more playing time. He wound up at Texas Christian, which gave him his first look at Albuquerque — pitching against the University of New Mexico at Lobo Field — and pitched well enough that he was signed as a non-free agent by the San Diego Padres in June 1993.

That wouldn’t be the first suggestion Dishman listened to that paid dividends: After his playing days ended, his wife, Paisley, told him he wouldn’t be happy putting his TCU degree in management to good use, that maybe he should think about staying in baseball as a coach.

Read the full article here: http://www.abqjournal.com/424133/riowest/observer-sports/isotopes-helped-on-path-to-bigs-by-former-pcl-hurler.html

Originally published: July 2, 2014. Last Updated: July 2, 2014.
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