Holmes: Award-winning author and SABR member Bruce Markusen uses baseball to educate children from Cooperstown

From SABR member Dan Holmes at Detroit Athletic Co. on June 11, 2016, on SABR member Bruce Markusen:

For a baseball author and historian there’s no better place to be than in Cooperstown, New York. Luckily for his readers, Bruce Markusen lives there.

Markusen is the manager of digital and outreach learning at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. His job is to help kids learn through the subject of baseball.

The New York native is one of the best baseball authors in the field today, and the winner of the coveted Seymour Medal for his book Baseball’s Last Dynasty: Charlie Finley’s Oakland A’s. Markusen specializes in biographies and team profiles and he’s written seven books to date, but for his readers there are many subjects out there for Markusen left to tackle.

Though he’s a Yankees fan, Markusen has been writing for the Detroit Athletic Co. blog for the last two years, providing writers with stories about Detroit baseball history, often from the 1960s and 1970s. One of his signatures is the “Card Corner” where he looks at a former ballplayer by examining one of his baseball cards.

This interview, which we conducted via phone from Markusen’s office at the Hall of Fame, is the second in our series on Detroit Athletic Co. writers.

Read the full article here: https://www.detroitathletic.com/blog/2016/06/11/award-winning-author-markusen-loves-write-baseball-1960s-1970s/

Originally published: June 17, 2016. Last Updated: June 17, 2016.
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