Housholder: Biography of Ford Frick under way by SABR member David Bohmer

From Terry Housholder at KPC News on March 28, 2016, with mention of SABR member David Bohmer:

As a retirement project, David Bohmer, Ph.D., who taught a course at DePauw University on baseball history, is writing the first biography of Noble County native Ford C. Frick.

Frick, one of the most prominent persons to hail from northeast Indiana, was a national baseball executive for more than three decades and commissioner of Major League Baseball from 1951-65. Elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 1970, Frick died on April 10, 1978, at the age of 83, and is buried in Bronxville, New York.

I had the privilege of giving Bohmer a tour of some of Frick’s old stomping grounds recently — the villages of Wawaka and Brimfield and the town of Rome City. Frick was born in a small, wood-framed house in Wawaka, on Dec. 19, 1894. The family moved to Brimfield, a few miles east, when he was 6. He graduated from Rome City High School in 1910.

Read the full article here: http://kpcnews.com/columnists/terry_housholder/kpcnews/article_55fd1542-06bd-57fc-bd8c-4358210b6bf4.html

Originally published: March 29, 2016. Last Updated: March 29, 2016.
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