Jackson: Night of the goose eggs

From SABR member Frank Jackson at The Hardball Times on April 21, 2017:

In 1932, French writer Louis-Ferdinand Céline published his landmark novel Journey to the End of the Night.  In the Year of the Pitcher, 36 years later, two major league baseball teams authored a non-fiction version.

I refer to New York Mets and the Houston Astros, who played a 24-inning 1-0 contest at the Astrodome on April 15, 1968. The game foreshadowed the glaring lack of offense in major league baseball for the remainder of the season.

Actually, the famed Year of the Pitcher got off to a late start. The Martin Luther King Jr. assassination postponed Opening Day. The Astros, scheduled to begin the season with a three-game series against the Pirates in the Astrodome, played just one, on April 10; the other two games were re-scheduled. The Astros won that opener and swept a three-game set with the visiting Phillies. Then the New York Mets came to town.

Read the full article here: http://www.hardballtimes.com/night-of-the-goose-eggs/

Originally published: April 21, 2017. Last Updated: April 21, 2017.
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