Jackson: Willie Miera’s years with minor-league club bonds him to Albuquerque Isotopes

From Josh Jackson at MiLB.com on May 11, 2018:

Willie Miera has been coming to Albuquerque, New Mexico’s Southeast Quadrant and looking out at a patch of grass for nearly 50 years. Although the view has changed, it has never gotten old.

Miera, who turned 81 in January, has returned to the Isotopes for his 16th season of work and second as the press box attendant, a role that was carved out for him after he suffered a heart attack on his way into the ballpark for his usher duties in May 2016.

“The doctor says, ‘You can’t do none of that — no walking, no lifting, no nothing,'” Miera said, explaining that he thought he’d have to give up his job. “[Isotopes general manager John Traub] says, ‘To [heck] with that! ‘We’re not going to send you home. I’ll find you something.’ They looked around, and they put me in here [in the press box].”

Saying goodbye to his usher post wasn’t easy — after all, he’d been there, mixing with fans in section 103 behind home plate, for as long as the Isotopes had existed. But by all accounts, his new gig is pretty cushy.

Read the full article here: https://www.milb.com/milb/news/albuquerque-isotopes-employee-willie-miera-ties-southwest-baseball-past-to-present/c-274843582

Originally published: May 14, 2018. Last Updated: May 14, 2018.
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