January 26 is SABR’s Super Tuesday

Just as Tuesday, February 5 is the biggest day in 2008 U.S.Presidential Primary politics, Saturday, January 26 is the big day for SABR. While there are more than 20 states scheduled to hold primaries on “Super Tuesday” there are eight chapters of SABR holding meetings on Saturday, January 26. Okay, so it

Just as Tuesday, February 5 is the biggest day in 2008 U.S.Presidential Primary politics, Saturday, January 26 is the big day for SABR. While there are more than 20 states scheduled to hold primaries on “Super Tuesday” there are eight chapters of SABR holding meetings on Saturday, January 26. Okay, so it

Originally published: January 21, 2008. Last Updated: January 21, 2008.
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