Kagan: The physics of Bryce Harper’s broken-bat home run

From SABR member David Kagan at The Hardball Times on April 19, 2018:

Monday night at Citi Field, Bryce Harper demonstrated his hitting prowess yet again by turning a 96 mph pitch from Jacob deGrom into a home run. Statcast reported an exit velocity of 99 mph at a 30˚ launch angle traveling 406 feet – all common home run values. Why all the excitement when Harper averages more than 25 homers a year? Take a look.

As Harper trotted back to the dugout, he flexed his right arm as if to point out his broken bat homer was an extra special feat of strength. Don’t get me wrong, hitting a shot off a highly regarded major league pitcher is certainly a demonstration of strength and remarkable athletic ability. However, the broken bat homer is not an indication of anything more than unusual luck combined with the usual skill set of a major league batter.

Read the full article here: https://www.fangraphs.com/tht/the-physics-of-bryce-harpers-broken-bat-blast/

Originally published: April 19, 2018. Last Updated: April 19, 2018.
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