Kannenberg: Brewers TV statistician Mike Falkner and the evolution of baseball broadcasts

From Collin Kannenberg at The Hardball Times on March 29, 2019:

Wisconsin native Mike Falkner has a job any sports fan would love to have. He has the pleasure of sitting in the TV booth next to Brian Anderson and Bill Schroeder for the Brewers broadcasts and providing them with on-the-spot statistics related to what is going on on the field in any given moment. In addition to Brewers broadcasts, he currently does Milwaukee Bucks broadcasts, and he has spent time in the booth with the Green Bay Packers and Marquette Golden Eagles men’s basketball team.

Falkner has been with the Brewers for about 12 years and has been covering the Bucks for about 30. He is one of the most knowledgeable people out there when it comes to the past and present of Wisconsin sports. And while working in the industry over those many years, he has seen the evolution of television broadcasting and in-game analysis.

Technology, as we have seen throughout the years, has been evolving both in and out of sports. Today, anybody can go onto FanGraphs or Baseball Prospectus and find the stats they want, whereas if you wanted to know something about a player decades ago, you had to search the back of his baseball card or look it up in the newspaper.

Read the full article here: https://tht.fangraphs.com/brewers-tv-statistician-mike-falkner-and-the-evolution-of-baseball-broadcasts/

Originally published: March 29, 2019. Last Updated: March 29, 2019.
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