Kaplan: The Baseball Bookshelf conversation with Josh Ostergaard

From SABR member Ron Kaplan at Ron Kaplan’s Baseball Bookshelf on September 2, 2014, with fellow SABR member Josh Ostergaard:

Jealousy reared its ugly head once again when I saw the full-page review of  Josh Ostergaard‘s The Devil’s Snake Curve in The New York Times‘ Sunday book supplement in June. It brought back memories of Chad Harbach’s 2011 debut novel, The Art of Fielding, which garnered him tremendous kudos, not to mention a huge advance.


I initially looked at Devil’s Snake Curve (as opposed to former ML pitcher Dave Baldwin’s 2008 memoir Snake Jazz) along the lines of TAOF: meant for highbrow tastes and not necessarily a book “about” baseball. But unlike TAOF, which I thought was tremendously over-reviewed, I found myself enjoying Ostergaard’s work. So much so that I want to ask him about his process and, in particular, theories on memory, since the books is, in essence, a memoir as well.

Listen to the full interview here: http://www.ronkaplansbaseballbookshelf.com/2014/09/02/the-bookshelf-conversation-josh-ostergaard/

Originally published: September 2, 2014. Last Updated: September 2, 2014.
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