Kenney: Pirates hit makes it a record 8,020 Padres games without a no-hitter

From Kirk Kenney at the San Diego Union-Tribune on May 17, 2019, with mention of SABR member Dirk Lammers:

Dirk Lammers was sitting in section 111, row 9, seat 8, on Thursday night at Petco Park when Pittsburgh’s Adam Frazier hit a single in the third inning off Padres left-hander Eric Lauer.

Lammers then turned to his phone and accessed his website — There, he added one to the counter tracking the number of games the Padres have gone without pitching a no-hitter.

It now reads: 8,020.

And with that, the local franchise wrested the record from the New York Mets for the most games since their major league inception without throwing a no-hitter.

Those 8,020 games have covered 50 years, one month, eight days … and counting.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: May 17, 2019. Last Updated: May 17, 2019.
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