Lampert: Keeping the score

From Lynda Lampert at The Hardball Times on June 13, 2019:

The runner takes off from first, digging in her cleats, feet pummeling the soft dirt. She flies down the basepath. Even before the pitch crosses the plate, I know I won’t make the throw that would catch her.

Still, I have to try. I snap my glove closed over the softball, rock onto my back foot, tear off my mask. As I come up out of my crouch, I unload the ball toward second with all the strength I possess.

The throw falls short. The girl stands safe on second, panting hard, and I turn away, eyes downcast, searching for my hastily discarded mask. She was the third runner to get by me — the third in three attempts. And even though I don’t want to, I catch a glimpse of the contemplative look in my coach’s eyes.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: June 20, 2019. Last Updated: June 20, 2019.
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