Lehrman: Koufax, Kershaw, and the fallacy of orthodoxy

From SABR member Jeremy Lehrman at Medium.com on October 12, 2018:

Throw your back out? Get lots of rest.

Trying to lose weight? Avoid fat at all costs.

Best pitcher in Dodgers history? Sandy Koufax.

Orthodoxy. It’s a complicated stew. Equal parts tradition, experience, ignorance and inertia. No sport embraces it, perpetuates it, and closes ranks around it like baseball. Orthodoxy adheres like a scab. How else to explain that managers, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, still consider the sacrifice bunt an effective use of an out? How else to explain the perceived legitimacy of pitcher wins? Saves? RBI? How else to explain the notion that the game was somehow played at a higher level 90 years ago?

Read the full article here: https://medium.com/@jeremylehrman/koufax-kershaw-and-the-fallacy-of-orthodoxy-6923434eab8e

Originally published: October 12, 2018. Last Updated: October 12, 2018.
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