Marchiano: The time is now for a woman to be MLB general manager

From Sam Marchiano at the New York Times on December 11, 2017:

Last spring, a steady rain fell at the Alpine Country Club in New Jersey during the 13th Annual Rusty Staub Foundation Celebrity Chef and Friends Golf Tournament. Instead of playing golf, the participants huddled under an outdoor tent. At one table, Hall of Fame manager Joe Torre held court. Torre, who is MLB’s chief baseball officer, sat with Staub, a few retired sports reporters, and league executives swapping old stories and debating the best Italian restaurant on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx.

As morning gave way to afternoon, one of the MLB executives whispered in Torre’s ear, and quietly headed back to Manhattan. Torre leaned into the group of men still in attendance and told them, in no uncertain terms, that any owner who was “man enough” would hire his co-worker as his team’s next general manager.

Torre was referring to Kim Ng, MLB’s senior vice president of baseball operations, who arrived at the commissioner’s office in 2011 after rising through the ranks of the Yankees, White Sox and Dodgers organizations.

“I always talk her up at owners’ meetings,“ Torre told ESPN. “At some point, somebody just has to ignore the fact that she’s a woman and just make a baseball decision. And if they do that, then I think she will get an opportunity. Somewhere.”

Read the full article here:

Originally published: December 12, 2017. Last Updated: December 12, 2017.
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