Membership Spotlight – 9/22/2004

Ted Williams Weekend a Success
Over 150 baseball enthusiasts, some from as far away as Atlanta and Philadelphia, gathered September 11-12 at the National Baseball Hall of Fame to celebrate Ted Williams.

SABR Vice President Bill Nowlin, in collaboration with Bruce Markusen, coordinated the event.

Ted Williams Weekend a Success
Over 150 baseball enthusiasts, some from as far away as Atlanta and Philadelphia, gathered September 11-12 at the National Baseball Hall of Fame to celebrate Ted Williams.

SABR Vice President Bill Nowlin, in collaboration with Bruce Markusen, coordinated the event.

Among the presenters were Bill Monbouquette, who talked about brushbacks and pitching inside with some good anecdotes about Ted.  In addition, Bruce Markusen discussed his new book Ted Williams, created for adolescent readers.  Other presenters included Maj. Gen. Larry Taylor, Alan Pierce, Dave McCarthy of the Ted Williams Museum, John Holway, Steve Ferroli, and Leigh Montville.

The next Ted Williams weekend is tentatively scheduled for Memorial Day Weekend 2005.  Contact Bill Nowlin for more details. 

Photo by Alan Pierce

Originally published: September 22, 2004. Last Updated: September 22, 2004.
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