New Joe Niese book to immortalize baseball legend from Boyceville, Andy Pafko

From Darlene Ramos at the Dunn County News on September 10, 2014, on SABR member Joe Niese:

A small town hero never dies, especially when immortalized in the pages of a book.

“Handy Andy—the Andy Pafko Story” tells the tale of Boyceville’s favorite son and baseball legend who passed away in October 2013. It is being written by Joe Niese, a reference librarian in Chippewa Falls and author of “Burleigh Grimes, Baseball’s Last Legal Spitballer”, as well a host of articles relative to the Chippewa Valley region.

A member of the Society for American Baseball Research, Niese retains a near-to-lifetime fascination with the sport of baseball. He became interested in a book about Pafko when he realized none had been devoted to him before.

“Boyceville and Dunn County have reason to be proud of having someone of Pafko’s caliber represent them,” Niese said. “I reached out to persons in the Boyceville community and was allowed full access to resources about Andy, most especially from David Labaree and Pete Holmlund, two big followers. Also, I spoke with neighbors of the Pafko farm, and the woman who purchased the place back in the forties.”

Read the full article here:

Originally published: September 10, 2014. Last Updated: September 10, 2014.
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