Neyer: On integrity and the Hall of Fame
From SABR member Rob Neyer at Baseball Nation on January 12, 2012:’s Terence Moore is already giving us a preview of his 2013 ballot … and beyond. For 2013, Moore is absolutely not going to vote for Barry Bonds or Roger Clemens, and is willing to consider Curt Schilling, Mike Piazza, and Craig Biggio (big of him, as all three are highly qualified). He’s also going to vote for holdovers Fred McGriff, Tim Raines, and Lee Smith (no word, though, on Jeff Bagwell, who happens to have been better than all three of those guys).
There are a lot of things about this whole discussion that make me uncomfortable, but perhaps what makes me most uncomfortable is how quickly so many writers’ brains shut down immediately upon seeing the word steroids.
Herein you’ll find the “ethics clause” to which Moore refers:
5. Voting: Voting shall be based upon the player’s record, playing ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character, and contributions to the team(s) on which the player played.
According to Terence Moore and many others, if the word steroids appears next to your name, you have utterly failed the integrity test. Thus disqualifying yourself for the Hall of Fame.
And friends, that is not right.
Read the full article here:
Originally published: January 12, 2012. Last Updated: January 12, 2012.