Owens: Commissioner Manfred denies latest appeal for Buck Weaver reinstatement

From John P. Owens at the Chicago Tribune on July 29, 2015, with mention of SABR members David Fletcher and Jacob Pomrenke:

The latest request to get Major League Baseball to clear the name of former White Sox third baseman Buck Weaver, one of the eight Sox players banned from baseball after being accused of throwing the 1919 World Series, has been denied.

In a three-page letter addressed late last week to Weaver advocate David Fletcher, Commissioner Rob Manfred said he wouldn’t re-open the case, citing information that Weaver had participated in players-only meetings in 1919 to discuss the scheme to fix the World Series.

“The great weight of scholarly research we have discovered confirms Mr. Weaver’s presence at these meetings and his awareness of the scheme to fix the 1919 World Series,” Manfred wrote. “There is some evidence that he took an active role in proposing the design of the scheme.”

“I, therefore, decline to give additional consideration to this matter.”

Read the full article here: http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/baseball/whitesox/ct-spt-buck-weaver-rob-manfred-spt-0729-20150728-story.html

Originally published: July 30, 2015. Last Updated: July 30, 2015.
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